
Great opportunity and great venture

November 6, 2020 • Press Release

The global outbreak of COVID-19 hits the global industry and market. Small businesses, such as retailers, tourism, and hotel industries, are suffering the intense pain. The economic recession is causing extremely high unemployment rate. Many people are worrying about their job security.

However, a crisis always comes along with an opportunity, and this pandemic is no exception. If you are wondering what industries still have the best opportunity now, our answer is a new type of direct selling business. which focuses on the health products. Three major reasons are listed as follows:

First, the health awareness has been greatly improved to an unprecedent level. More people began to accept various health products. It is expected that this trend can keep increasing for a long time in the future.

Second, the direct selling business model is based on a family/home business concept, which is suitable for the current social mode. More people are looking for a home-based business now, which can potentially create a huge marketing resource for the industry.

Third, the past experience already showed that the direct selling industry could still develop prosperously even under any economic crises.

The grand launch of our direct selling company - Envisionary Life, is a really good news for many of us. The company adopts a new compensation system which can bring a good fortune even under during a such tough pandemic. The company has been pre-launched in 2020 and will celebrate an official launch in 2021. Such opportunity doesn't come around very often, and you are so lucky to hear about it even before many others really realize it. Take this opportunity immediately and do not wait any longer!

It doesn’t matter who you are now, an experienced leader in this industry, or a freshman who wants to join a direct selling company. You should look at the Envisionary Life company which is currently in its soft launch.

The new system is designed for the beginners, and the experienced marketer as well. Its simplicity and duplicity can definitely support your fortune to grow rapidly in a mass market.

The Envisionary Life company is manufacturing a series of nutrition products with patented technologies. These technologies are unprecedent revolutions, therefore, the products are unlike any existing ones in the current market. Once you understand the significance of our technologies, products and our compensation plan, you won't hesitate to join us to learn more information. Position yourself now in this business!

You are warmly welcome to be part of this great venture!

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To provide the highest quality health products and services and the best career platform to help people achieve a healthy, wealthy, happy, and successful life.

To become a leader in the healthcare and skincare industry and the most respected international cross border e-commerce and interactive marketing company.

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