
Our Team

One Team One dream


Ronald Rice   CEO

Senior Executive Researcher at Harvard University, Ph.D. in Public Policy from George Mason University.

US government policy formulation expert, responsible for the implementation of Homeland Securities Directives, AOL online market rules and direction guidance

Formulation of government, private enterprises and non-profit organizations business management regulations.

Executives at multiple US companies. Extensive experience in corporate management

Responsible for global strategic positioning of Envisionary Life LLC

Ronald Rice  CEO


Dr. Hartmut Michel   Chief Scientist

Hartmut Michel, a German biochemist, received the 1988 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the determination of the first crystal structure of an integral membrane protein, a membrane-bound complex of proteins and co-factors that is essential to photosynthesis.

While working hand in hand with joint Nobel Prize recipients, Johann Deisenhofer and Rober Hube, together the trio determined the three-dimensional structure of a protein complex found in certain photosynthetic bacteria. This membrane protein complex, called a photosynthetic reaction center, has been known to have played a crucial role in initiating a simple type of photosynthesis. Between 1982 and 1985, the three scientists used X-ray crystallography to determine the exact arrangement of the more than 10,000 atoms that make up the protein complex. Their research increased the general understanding of the mechanisms of photosynthesis, revealed similarities between the photosynthetic processes of plants and bacteria and established a methodology for crystallizing membrane proteins.

Hartmut later worked on the crystallization of membrane proteins; essential for their structure elucidation by X-ray crystallography.

In addition to receiving the Nobel Prize, Dr. Michel has received various prestigious awards including the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, which is the highest honor awarded in German research. He also received the Bijvoet Medal at the Bijvoet Center for Biomolecular Research of Utrecht University in 1989, became a foreign member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1995 and was elected a Foreign Member of the Royal Society in 2005.

Since 1987 he has been the Director of the Molecular Membrane Biology Department at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysics in Frankfurt, Germany, and Professor of Bio-Chemistry at the Goethe University Frankfurt.

Dr. Hartmut Michel, Chief Scientist

Message from CEO

We each have dreams in our life that we want to achieve. Whether they are big or small, we are always motivated by those dreams. To me, there is one dream that is worth fighting for more than any other and that is to bring a healthy, successful and happy life to as many people as possible through Envisionary Life.

We have entered a new era guided by nature, science, new technology and frequent interaction. In today's world, much of the population is a proponent and advocate for sustainable living and “green” initiatives. With that said, our society demands products with natural ingredients and with production processes that align with the environment and the protection of the world around us. Envisionary Life has always carried on this creed. We will continue to commit ourselves to improving and expanding health industries as we have done since inception. As always, we will satisfy the demands of human health by adhering to and conducting ourselves to the standards of the health care philosophy, while making contributions to creating a good society.

To our Envisionary Life families, let’s build an admirable company together. Let’s strive to be the most respectable cross-border Direct Selling company and the most respectable international marketing leaders. Focus on these goals, move forward and, as a team, we will achieve our dream. Let’s create an excellent Envisionary Life together!

Ronald Rice
CEO of Envisionary Life

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To provide the highest quality health products and services and the best career platform to help people achieve a healthy, wealthy, happy, and successful life.

To become a leader in the healthcare and skincare industry and the most respected international cross border e-commerce and interactive marketing company.

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